
New album releases

New album releases from Black is Blonde:

 Black Is Blonde #006 "Parents Suck":
tracks #8 Young Rebels
# 26 Buy The World
Tracks can be licensed directly from Intervox

 Black Is Blonde #008 "Revolt:
tracks #6 Capitol Hearings
# 24 The Darker Side
Tracks can be licensed directly from Intervox

New Album "Nature's Voice Vol 2"

Some months ago I've started composing for label "Popvirus". I've collaborated with multitalented composer Alan Jay Reed and we've composed 24 tracks for the album "Nature's Voice Vol. 2" , an album for action, documentation, nature, suspense and science.
All the tracks can be downloaded and licensed directly from Popvirus.

1. Hailstorm
2. Extreme Weather
3. Wildlife
4. Volcanic
5. Prey Animal
6. Bushfire
7. Loneliness
8. Infectious Killing
9. Outbreak
10. Cumulus Cloud
11. Seismic Waves
12. Animato
13. Tropical Cyclones
14. Hemisphere Summer
15. Survivalism
16. Termites
17. Risk Reduction
18. State Tornado
19. Native Spirits
20. Ebola Fever
21. Lion Hunt
22. Monkey Bizz
23. Endangered Species
24. Siberian Moods