
New tracks

I was quite busy the last days, but made some new tracks I haven't published on here...

So, here they are...

  Marc Bradley - Snow Mountain by marcbradleymusic

  Marc Bradley - Morning Dawn by marcbradleymusic

  Marc Bradley - Soldier's Inner War by marcbradleymusic

  Marc Bradley - Poltergeist in the Attic by marcbradleymusic


What a year...

It was quite a busy year... and it still is :-)

Well, in a few weeks the year will come to the end... I'm sitting in my studio, the sun is shining lovely through the window  and I started reflecting what happened that year and it really was a great year for me. I met a lot of interesting and creative people from all over the world through the internet and worked with talented film makers.

The movie "The First Time" by Timmy Ehegötz was released on DVD in Germany (and will be released in the US next year), I've also published the soundtrack on amazon and iTunes. And the movie's success is amazing. So glad to be a part of that.

My album "Places" was also released on amazon and iTunes and currently I'm working on the next album which will hopefully be released in the summer of 2012. We'll see if it works. :-)

I worked on the movie "Forever" and I'm still working on composing the soundtrack for "Tears in Rain", a wonderful short movie by Marco Theophil. It's a collaboration between German filmmakers and American University in Washington. The result looks amazing. Great pictures.

What else happened? I made some music for a German automotive supplier (and was asked to do some more in the next few days) and I've started composing for the new UK label "Black is Blonde" and hopefully some of my tracks will be released on their upcoming CDs. It's gonna be something very, very different. Some fat beats, House, HipHop, Drum&Bass...

And twelve of my tracks where released on eight Intervox CDs this year. Yeah! :-)
 If you like, you may check them out below.

Not to forget I did an interview with German radio host Christian Abraham a few weeks ago for the Berlin radio station "Alex Berlin". 

So, as I've said, it was quite a busy year.. and that's cool :-)

And now... back to work :-)

Have a great time

Wild Planet on CD

My track "Wild Planet" was just released by Intervox on compilation CD "Galaxy".

  Marc Bradley - Wild Planet by marcbradleymusic


Dave Greening feat. Marc Bradley - Realisation

This is a collaboration between the wonderful piano player Dave Greening and myself. All the piano work is from Dave, I've added the viola and strings. Hope you like it. I absolutely love Dave's work. :-) Please move over to Dave's place where you can find lots of great music from this talented piano player: Dave Greening www.facebook.com/dave.greening.piano Thanks for your comments and support

Dave Greening feat. Marc Bradley - Realisation by marcbradleymusic

The Dragon Slayers - Main Title

This one's a very old tune I've composed for a movie in 2002 directed by Markus Topf. The movie is called "The Dragon Slayers" (German: "Die Drachentöter") and it's about a conspiration within a student's fraternity.

More information on the movie can be found on imdb: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0362573

I'd appreciate it if you'd visit my Facebook page and like it :-)
Thanks for your support and your comments ;-) www.facebook.com/marcbradleysounds

Marc Bradley - The Dragon Slayers - Main Title by marcbradleymusic


New CD releases

4 of my tracks have been released recently on compilation discs. Exciting. :-) One of them is "Nature's Fight" which was renamed "Calm conquerors" by the label.
    Marc Bradley - Calm Conquerors by marcbradleymusic  

"The First Time" US Release

"The First Time" will be released in North America in 2012! It will have German language and English subtitles.

New Short Film "Tears in Rain"

I started working on the new short film "Tears in Rain"... It's gonna be dark, mysterious and nostalgic.
Please have a look at the movie's Facebook site for more information: http://www.facebook.com/tearsinrainberlin

or visit the official homepage http://tearsinrainberlin.wordpress.com/

Forever / Fuer Ewig Soundtrack (compilation)

Here's some music from my latest short film "Forever", directed by Patrick A. Kompio. It's a compilation of some tracks I've composed for this movie. Hope you'll enjoy them :-) More information about the movie can be found here: www.kurzfilmschmiede.de

Marc Bradley - Forever / Fuer Ewig Soundtrack (compilation) by marcbradleymusic


New track "Life in reverse"

"Life in reverse" is a chill out track for my upcoming album, inspired by great composers such as Chicane, Moby, Emancipator, Mark Isham. The main instruments in this piece are piano and viola. It starts slowly and builds up in the end. Please fave, comment, and download the track.:-) Thanks all for your support. Marc Bradley - Life in reverse by marcbradleymusic


New track "Wild Planet"

Please enjoy my track "Wild Planet" I've composed for some nature images.

  Marc Bradley - Wild Planet by marcbradleymusic

Radio Interview

I was a guest on the Radio Show "Radiothek" and was interviewed on the phone by host Christian Abraham.

If you haven't had a chance to listen to it, you may do it here.... even though it's in German :-)


New CD Release

My track "Patriots" was just released by Intervox on CD compilation "On a mission"

  Marc Bradley - Patriots by marcbradleymusic

Beyond the Clouds

Marc Bradley - Beyond the Clouds by marcbradleymusic


New track "Fragments"

a bit scary, a bit of darkness, a bit of Glass, a bit of Tiersen, a bit of Orchestra... enjoy :-)

  Marc Bradley - Fragments by marcbradleymusic


The First Time - Original Motion Picture Soundtrack out now!

The Soundtrack from the movie "The First Time" is now available on amazon, iTunes and Napster.

1. New Beginnings     3:21
2. Billy And Nick     2:17
3. Billy's Theme     2:54
4. Alone         1:46    
5. In Love         1:08    
6. Kindred Spirits     2:11
7. Time         1:08
8. Love Turning Into Hate     2:44
9. Friendship         3:54
10. Loneliness         1:24    
11. Running Away     1:10
12. Gonna Kill Myself     0:35
13. Two Hearts         1:45
14. Soul Of Billy     1:21





New release: "Patriots"

my track "Patriots" will be released on Intervox's upcoming cd compilation next month

    Marc Bradley - Patriots by marcbradleymusic


Places on amazon

"Places" is now available on amazon:


amazon Germany



New album "Places": Out now

I'm happy to announce that my album "Places" is now available on iTunes, moozone and Tesco Entertainment.

Places is a collection of relaxing and also danceable instrumental tracks. Each song represents a different stage or place where your journey of life might lead you to.

Relax and discover these places. There might be some more you didn’t know about...

1. Summer Rain
2. New York City Pulse
3. Luxury Runway
4. Downtown City Lights
5. Blue Lounge
6. Beach Dance
7. Oriental Dreams
8. Fleur De Provence
9. Falling Star
10. Indian Forest
11. Diamonds and Champagne
12. A Place Called Home
13. My Inner Room
14. You’re Part of Everything

UPC: 881034802132Release Date: 2011-06-01

Places is now available in these stores:
iTunes, Moozone, Tesco Entertainment






and another track... something orchestral, heroic. I did it as a potential track for an upcoming cd of music library Intervox. Quite not sure if it's good enough. We'll see :-)

  Marc Bradley - Patriots by marcbradleymusic

Rescue Me

Please check out my track "Rescue me". It's a kind of sentimental piano track with some ambient elements.

  Marc Bradley - Rescue Me by marcbradleymusic 


New track "We're all Slumdogs"

Please listen to my latest track “We’re all Slumdogs”, inspired by the movie “Slumdog Millionaire”



New Releases

Three of my tracks will be released by Intervox on upcoming compilation CDs “Wallet Stories” and “Noblesse in Sports”.

The tracks are “Seven Seas Sailor”, “Reliable News” and “Yachting Deluxe”.

Please check out “Seven Seas Sailor”. Intervox describes it as “Positive Filmscore, nice orchestra, a winner comes home".


Website online

My new website is online: www.marcbradleymusic.com

I'd appreciate it if you'd check it out and leave a comment in the guestbook.

Thanks! :-)


"Nature's Fight" / Avatar Trailer

Please listen to my latest track "Nature's Fight".

I've created a trailer for the movie Avatar with this track.


New Release: Silver Sword

My track 'Silver Sword' will be published this month by Intervox on cd compilation 'Cinematic Creeps'. It's an agitated, heroic Filmscore.
Please listen to the track. Thanks.


The Last Survivor

Please check out my latest video "The last survivor".
I've worked quite a few weeks on that animation. I did it with Blender 2.5 and it was hard work. But it also made a lot of fun creating this special world.


"For a Queen's Love"

Please check out my latest track "For a Queen's Love"


Chimney Tea Time

Funk Café

Oblation for Czarnobóg

Rise and Fall

Wizzards and Dragons

New CD release

New tracks "Wizzards and Dragons" and "Rise and Fall" will be released by Intervox on CD "210 - Heroes"

CD Releases

Several of my tracks have been released by Intervox in the past few months on these following CDs:

- 201 Evolution
- 203 Retro Spin
- 204 Sex sells
- 205 Balkan Spirit
- 206 Design Guide
- 207 Silent Thrill