
New track "We're all Slumdogs"

Please listen to my latest track “We’re all Slumdogs”, inspired by the movie “Slumdog Millionaire”



New Releases

Three of my tracks will be released by Intervox on upcoming compilation CDs “Wallet Stories” and “Noblesse in Sports”.

The tracks are “Seven Seas Sailor”, “Reliable News” and “Yachting Deluxe”.

Please check out “Seven Seas Sailor”. Intervox describes it as “Positive Filmscore, nice orchestra, a winner comes home".


Website online

My new website is online: www.marcbradleymusic.com

I'd appreciate it if you'd check it out and leave a comment in the guestbook.

Thanks! :-)


"Nature's Fight" / Avatar Trailer

Please listen to my latest track "Nature's Fight".

I've created a trailer for the movie Avatar with this track.