
Dave Greening feat. Marc Bradley - Realisation

This is a collaboration between the wonderful piano player Dave Greening and myself. All the piano work is from Dave, I've added the viola and strings. Hope you like it. I absolutely love Dave's work. :-) Please move over to Dave's place where you can find lots of great music from this talented piano player: Dave Greening www.facebook.com/dave.greening.piano Thanks for your comments and support

Dave Greening feat. Marc Bradley - Realisation by marcbradleymusic

The Dragon Slayers - Main Title

This one's a very old tune I've composed for a movie in 2002 directed by Markus Topf. The movie is called "The Dragon Slayers" (German: "Die Drachentöter") and it's about a conspiration within a student's fraternity.

More information on the movie can be found on imdb: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0362573

I'd appreciate it if you'd visit my Facebook page and like it :-)
Thanks for your support and your comments ;-) www.facebook.com/marcbradleysounds

Marc Bradley - The Dragon Slayers - Main Title by marcbradleymusic


New CD releases

4 of my tracks have been released recently on compilation discs. Exciting. :-) One of them is "Nature's Fight" which was renamed "Calm conquerors" by the label.
    Marc Bradley - Calm Conquerors by marcbradleymusic  

"The First Time" US Release

"The First Time" will be released in North America in 2012! It will have German language and English subtitles.

New Short Film "Tears in Rain"

I started working on the new short film "Tears in Rain"... It's gonna be dark, mysterious and nostalgic.
Please have a look at the movie's Facebook site for more information: http://www.facebook.com/tearsinrainberlin

or visit the official homepage http://tearsinrainberlin.wordpress.com/

Forever / Fuer Ewig Soundtrack (compilation)

Here's some music from my latest short film "Forever", directed by Patrick A. Kompio. It's a compilation of some tracks I've composed for this movie. Hope you'll enjoy them :-) More information about the movie can be found here: www.kurzfilmschmiede.de

Marc Bradley - Forever / Fuer Ewig Soundtrack (compilation) by marcbradleymusic